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How do I earn a religious award?
  • You or your scoutmaster download the Award Book from this web site.

  • You work on the booklet along with your parish priest or spiritual adviser.

  • When completed, the priest or spiritual adviser signs the form in the booklet and you must return it to P.R.A.Y. for the medal & certificate.
    or you may order the medal online at:


How is the award presented?
  • It is recommended that the award be presented twice, once at the unit level and also at the end of a Sunday Church service along with a scout leader to emphasize that scouting is a viable part of our Orthodox Youth Ministry.


The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting supports our youth through a extensive Religious Award program.  We have designed the Religious Awards Program around a scout’s spiritual life. It gives the scout a chance to work closely with their spiritual Father to earn their award.
The unique bond formed at this age is a stepping stone for the rest of their spiritual life.

Religious Awards

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